Modi Script Training

  1. 1
    Course Name

    Modi Script Training

  2. 2
    Course Duration

    The course duration is 16 hours. 90 minutes per day.

  3. 3
    Course Delivery

    The session will be conducted live online.  On admission, log in password will be assign.

  4. 4
    Course Start Date

    The course start date is 20th March 2021. The sessions will be  Only on Weekends.

  5. 5
    Course Price

    INR. 750/-  | $ 10

Modi script is our legacy. It is important to study modi script to know the history of Maharashtra. From the thirteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century, the main script of Marathi language writing was modi. “Hemadpant”, the head of the Yadavas, developed the script “Modi”. Modi script can be written fast without lifting a hand. Summaries can be written by Modi scripts in at least one line using short syllables of many words.

To understand, review or study the historical documents, we required to know Modi script since most of the documents were written in this script. Hence Modi script is so important that we can also used it to find out more historical information from around seven hundred years!

The modi script is viewed as a shorthand script of the Devanagari script. The modi script was stopped from 40-60 years ago. Earlier, many land documents were found in modi scripts. We are lacking modi transliterates to read those documents now. Modi script can be used for higher education / historical knowledge / transliteration / study of history etc.

So it is useful to learn Modi language not only as hobby course but as a career option too. The basic and advance level course can make you eligible to be as a Modi language translator!!

So, let’s try … to preserve our heritage. Learn Modi script and read to learn our authentic history!!